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Tesla- Kapanadze generator

Started by Romero, October 15, 2011, 09:38:14 PM

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This is what I am talking about...


Quote from: garrym on December 16, 2011, 07:12:52 PM
Going out on a limb-

one needed to listen more carefully while watching Sem77 (delamorto) disassembling his unit.

when he finally removes all from the coil and places it on the table, I could swear the sound is like
ceramic tube!


Did you spot that too?


Quote from: garrym on December 18, 2011, 12:28:59 AM
Quote from: garrym on December 16, 2011, 07:12:52 PM
Going out on a limb-

one needed to listen more carefully while watching Sem77 (delamorto) disassembling his unit.

when he finally removes all from the coil and places it on the table, I could swear the sound is like
ceramic tube!

Did you spot that too?


I have not watched that video very careful but I will. I just need to find it now...
About 3 years ago I built 2 identical coils, same wire lenght but one on plastic tube and another on a glass water bottle. The one on glass performed much better also adding water into the bottle will change the output... people should try and see.
It is better to be tested and confirmed independently. the circuit posted before can use for start 1k resistors and 2n3055 transistors. Increaseing the value for the resistors will increase frequency.For better effects use high voltage transistors with high voltage input. Kapanadze said at one time 'use high voltage, not 12 volt' he meant 220volts...
Playing with 12 volts will not help, increasing the voltage will result in better efficiency.
I prefer to use my own made inverter powered from battery instead of the wall socket.



Oh, certainly. But I remember that, besides this, I had different kinds of apparatus. Then I had a
sensibly damped wave because at that time I still was laboring under the same difficulties as some
do this day -- I had not learned how to produce a circuit which would give me, with very few
fundamental impulses, a perfectly continuous wave. That came with the perfection of the devices.
When I came to my experiments in Colorado, I could take my apparatus like that and get a
continuous or undamped wave, almost without exception, between individual discharges.

Speaking of your not having perfectly undamped waves at that time, you were referring to that
character of circuit?

Yes, but with another kind of circuit I could, of course. The advantage of this apparatus was the
delivering of energy at short intervals whereby one could increase activity, and with this scheme I
was able to perform all of those wonderful experiments which have been reprinted from time to time
in the technical papers. I would take energy out of a circuit at rates of hundreds or thousands of
horsepower. In Colorado, I reached 18 million horsepower activities, but that was always by this
device: Energy stored in the condenser and discharged in an inconceivably small interval of time.
You could not produce that activity with an undamped wave. The damped wave is of advantage
because it gives you, with a generator of 1 kilowatt, an activity of 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, or 5,000
kilowatts; whereas, if you have a continuous or undamped wave, 1 kilowatt gives you only wave
energy at the rate of 1 kilowatt and nothing more.
That is the reason why the system with a
quenched gap has become popular.
I have refined this so that I have been able to take energy out of engines by drawing on their
momentum. For instance, if the engine is of 200 horsepower, I take the energy out for a minute
interval of time, at a rate of 5,000 or 6,000 horsepower, then I store [it] in a condenser and discharge
the same at the rate of several millions of horsepower. That is how these wonderful effects are
produced. The condenser is the most wonderful instrument, as I have stated in my writings, because
it enables us to attain greater activities than are practical with explosives. There is no limit to the
energy which you can develop with a condenser. There is a limit to the energy which you can
develop with an explosive.
A common experiment, for instance, in my laboratory on Houston Street, was to pass through a coil
energy at a rate of several thousand horsepower, put a piece of thick tinfoil on a stick, and approach
it to that coil. The tinfoil would melt, and would not only melt, but while it was still in that form, it
would be evaporated and the whole process took place in so small an interval of time that it was like
a cannon shot. Instantly I put it there, there was an explosion. That was a striking experiment. It
simply showed the power of the condenser, and at that time I was so reckless that in order to
demonstrate to my visitors that my theories were correct, I would stick my head into that coil and I
was not hurt; but, I would not do it now.


A self charging circuit using a flyback transformer and just a few components.
If the circuit is properly understood it can then be implemented in kacher devices or similar.
Driver circuit must stay simple, other circuits and components will work too but attention to L3, you might need more or less turns from 1-5 turns, depending on the transformer used, capacitor and the voltage comming from the AV plug.
After initial tests and proper adjustments you should also be able to remove batteries and replace with capacitors.Don't go directly to try running without batteries, first you need to see battery voltage increased.
Note that initially It might look that battery voltage goes down, please be patient...

Regards ,


Hi Romero

I am currently testing kacher circuit in tesla coil style.

Would this circuit you posted work in tesla coil style  or it has to be a flyback transformer?

Could you post approximate values of C1 and C2 cap you used?

Best Regards



Quote from: JoeFR on December 21, 2011, 07:36:54 PM
Hi Romero

I am currently testing kacher circuit in tesla coil style.

Would this circuit you posted work in tesla coil style  or it has to be a flyback transformer?

Could you post approximate values of C1 and C2 cap you used?

Best Regards


this would work fine in a tesla coil style, that is actually the next step after the one with flyback.
I can tell you what I used for C1=3000pf/30000volts ; C2=150pf/3000volts and a variable capacitor in parallel with C2.
L3 should be from a thicker wire, in your case even one turn should be enough, wound on top of your primary with some distance from the primary windings. One turn only has many advantages that Tesla found and used in his coils.
Please try and don't tell me is not working as I have few friends who replicated it with no problems and minimum tuning.




Hi Romero Thanks

I will tried tomorrow on my big tesla coil ( 160mm diameter; 900mm height)  :)

The kacher setup works great with this big tesla coil.



Quote from: JoeFR on December 21, 2011, 09:17:54 PM
Hi Romero Thanks

I will tried tomorrow on my big tesla coil ( 160mm diameter; 900mm height)  :)

The kacher setup works great with this big tesla coil.

just be careful with diodes used for the av plug, I burned so many with my tesla style coil.


Hi Romero

I have 30 pieces of UF5408 (ULTRA FAST 3A/1000V)

and 4 pieces of HVP16 0,75A/16kv

Which of these do you recommend ?



Quote from: JoeFR on December 21, 2011, 09:58:19 PM
Hi Romero

I have 30 pieces of UF5408 (ULTRA FAST 3A/1000V)

and 4 pieces of HVP16 0,75A/16kv

Which of these do you recommend ?

I would use HVP16 0,75A/16kv


Hi Romero

I haven't heard much from you in long time.

I just found this forum of yours.
I've been working on Delamorto replication.

Looks like now it's time to incorporate some of your ideas.

May I join in this forum discussion of yours?



Quote from: Romero on December 17, 2011, 11:32:02 PM
This is what I am talking about...

Hi guys,
just received my new Oscope today and decided to make a glass coil using a 4 foot neon tube cut to about 12in.

@ romero
just one question, are L1 and L2 wound in the same direction ?

Cheers Hitman.


@dllabarre you are welcome!

@Hitman all coils in the primary same direction but pay attention to the wires comming to them.

This is a diagram to prove the ideea and easy for all to be replicated.
I am working on a diferent one but as I still have problems with it I am not going to post it until I have it working good. This one I posted I tested in different variants, and all worked fine.
Make sure you start with batteries not fully charged...
Check the voltage for each battery before starting, check the total voltage for both in series then start. Leave it running for about 10 minutes, disconect and wait few minutes then check the voltage again.You can reconect if until you got them fully charged.One of the batteries will always be a little bit less charge than the other. It can be done with one battery too but this is the easy way.
Don't leave it running too long as you might overcharge batteries. I will show you later how to connect a load and maintain the battery in normal condition.
I used 1.5 volt batteries, 6 volts and 12 volts, all worked fine.
You can have more batteries in series as you are running just from only one.



hi all

romero, i  tested your schematic and it works, charged battery from 10.3 to 12.6 in 15 minutes.
i am very happy, this is my first working ou, i need to go now but i will test more later.

Thank you,