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Tesla- Kapanadze generator

Started by Romero, October 15, 2011, 09:38:14 PM

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Recently Stivep from has released a video with a succesful replication.


There are quite a few successful replications :)

I hate high voltage hehe but I might try a replication in the future, just too busy with work right now to do anything :(

Cheers Hitman


Quote from: Hitman on October 17, 2011, 04:06:29 AM
There are quite a few successful replications :)

I hate high voltage hehe but I might try a replication in the future, just too busy with work right now to do anything :(

Cheers Hitman

as you can see one replication in that list is mine. I was replicating Naudin's work and has no conection with Kapanadze, might look like that but it is not. No ou there just wrong calculations.
Kapanadze new schematic published by stivep and the group has more potential and I am sure that in just few days we will have some success in replicating. I am also playing with the caduceus coil and it is really different than the previous primary coil.



This is how I understand constructing the coil, not very sure about the secondary...


@ romero and anyone else that is interested latest video from stivep at overunity with the kapanadze generator enjoy all the best from ron


I have tried caduceus coils and not seen anything special.

Any guides to what to do with them, the one's i've found aren't very helpful ?
Experience is a hard teacher, it gives the test first and the lesson afterward.


This experiment bombarding the ferrite can be done without high voltage.
I went back to my old Magnacoasters device and tried it there as I have already most of the required parts in place.
I removed the magnets and at about 170khz the output is huge, about 1600 volts, but the ferrite gets untouchable hot.
The  bridge rectifier 1000v/40amp destroyed... my mistake I should have had some load initialy at the first test but I didn't.
I had spares from my RG1 and I replaced it and now is properly set.
While I had it at that frequency I inserted the magnets back at the ends of the coil and now the ferrite is not getting that hot but the output dropped to 1320 volts. Touching one end of the coil with one  av plug with 2 capacitors and a spark creates powerful sparks.
This is worth investigating further as the power used to drive the coil is not increased by the sparks or the load I connected in series with the capacitors on the av plug.

People are sending messages asking why I am not finishing my RG1 and I do other experiments leaving this one behind... well, I will drop and leave every other experiment for a succesful solid state device.
With this new generator because of the noise I am limited to not more than maybe one hour in the evening and the time after I use for this other experiments. Weekend is a bit better but even then, must go to shopping do other important things at home...
This is the problem living in London and having neighbours with common walls.



Quote from: DeepCut on October 20, 2011, 08:11:06 PM
I have tried caduceus coils and not seen anything special.

Any guides to what to do with them, the one's i've found aren't very helpful ?
If you want to see the difference and you have a tesla coil at home build 2 primarys from the same type of wire same lenght, one in normal fashion and one in caduceus, try each one and you will have the answer.



Hi Romero,

Can you give us a circuit or something to work from ?



Hi guys, Is anyone else having problems logging on to Or is it just me? I get "database error". Is the site down for the last 24 hrs+. I also am not receiving any EMs from I tried to EM Stephan but I don't know if he got it. ( Seems very strange after this recent breakthrough :o


@tektron yes having same problem at overunity, stefan probably getting to many ads running and caused it to crash lol. no doubt it will be up soon all the best ron

@ romero on the ball again i see with your tests to get similar results without the high voltage keep us informed of your successes which i have no doubt you will have many  all the best ron


Quote from: landownunder on October 30, 2011, 05:46:41 AM
@tektron yes having same problem at overunity, stefan probably getting to many ads running and caused it to crash lol. no doubt it will be up soon all the best ron

Thanks Ron, I was starting to freak out  :(


Latest video from from stivep on the kapeanadze device 10 watts in 1 kw out they want everyone to save a copy of this video but i don't know how all the best ron

link here


Quote from: garrym on October 30, 2011, 01:53:35 AM
Hi Romero,

Can you give us a circuit or something to work from ?

This is my variant to Magnacoasters circuit. The coil has ferrite core, 2.5 ohm / 647mH.
Use it without magnets for the start. I am using 1 inch magnet for one side and 3 x 1 inch magnets for the other side.
I am using this PWM:
I changed the transistor with 47N60C3  and removed the power diode at the output.
You can run it with aprox 6-7 watts and have much higher output. It is better if people will try and see themself. I prefer not to upload a video and start again another critics and unlimited messages.
This is easy and can be replicated by anyone, not neccesary to use that circuit I have.



@ romero hope you are well, i would like to ask a question if i may if You can run it with aprox 6-7 watts and have much higher output. what would that output be please. thanks ron